Day: November 30, 2024

Working From Home in Hong Kong

Hong Kong offers excellent opportunities for Data Engineers and is home to some great opportunities. However, salaries don’t compare with what they would receive in the US and there are numerous reasons to leave Hong Kong (high cost of living, ineffective government policies and social unrest). While demand exists for data scientists here (particularly those fluent in Chinese), the best way to make money here is freelance work from home.

According to Hong Kong’s Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (“PCPD”), a “data user” refers to any individual or organization who controls collection, holding, processing or use of personal data outside Hong Kong. Furthermore, PCPD has published two sets of recommended model contractual clauses designed to facilitate cross-border data transfers while fulfilling an organization’s obligations under PDPO and DPPs when doing so.

Data transfer between entities located within a single jurisdiction and using personal data in similar ways is usually the simplest form, as both users have shared control. PCPD recommends model clauses based on this principle and the “adequacy of protection” standard as suitable mechanisms. A shared control principle stipulates that data users remain directly accountable for any third parties they hire to process personal data on their behalf, and must obligate these entities to abide by PDPO and DPP requirements. Under an “adequacy of protection” standard, any personal data transferred overseas must be protected against unwarranted access, interference, or misuse by local law enforcement or courts.

Data users that do not directly oversee their agents or contractors fall under DPP2 and must take measures to protect the personal data processed by such parties from unauthorised or accidental access, processing, erasure, loss or use; in addition to not keeping personal information longer than necessary for processing. This requirement becomes especially pertinent when sending personal data overseas without equivalent laws in that jurisdiction.

There are various 3HK roaming SIM cards with various amounts of data for Hong Kong, mainland China and Macau available, the most popular being their HK$ 38 SIM which offers 8GB for 90 days in both locations – this card can be bought from 3Shops, 7-Eleven, 1O1O Van Go and Circle K kiosks and top up credit can be added online or purchased vouchers to top-up at these outlets; note however this card only supports roaming data – no voice, SMS or P2P support exist on this card – for more details please visit their website

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