Three Major Problems With the Horse Race Industry

Horse races are events in which horses compete against one another over a specified distance, typically on a dirt track. Dating back to written accounts of chariot racing in 5th century bc, there has been horse racing ever since then. Steeplechases, with jumping over obstacles such as walls and poles are considered among the most difficult and risky races for horses.

Today, horse racing has grown into an enormous multibillion-dollar industry with huge following. Participants from owners to gamblers are willing to spend huge sums of money with hopes of victory – yet many animals become victims of for-profit businesses who treat them cruelly while making profits off of them.

Horseracing has also come under scrutiny for its use of public opinion polling to highlight frontrunners and underdogs; media scholars have long conducted studies on this phenomenon known as horse race reporting.

One major problem within horse racing is that horses must begin racing at very young ages, when their skeletal systems are still developing. As such, young horses face an increased risk of serious injury or even death during racing; according to one study conducted on 22 races alone one horse sustained life-threatening injuries that required immediate hospitalisation.

Another issue involves equipment designed to coerce horses into running faster and further than they would naturally, including tools such as jiggers that deliver electric shocks directly onto their skin, inducing pain and long-term distress in horses. Although illegal under animal welfare laws, jiggers continue to be widely used on race tracks by trainers in an effort to get their horses running better in races.

Thirdly, injured horses needing treatment are left vulnerable without any long-term tracking system for after they leave racing – breeders, jockeys and owners can profit off them over and over without ever taking responsibility for what becomes of these animals once racing has ended or they become injured – some wind up in pastures while others end up being sold for slaughter.

Sport could improve its standing by altering how it treats horses, who are sentient creatures with feelings and needs of their own. Donations from betting enthusiasts and industry members are crucial in providing care for these horses. But this should not be used as an excuse to continue exploiting these creatures who deserve to live lives of safety and happiness. Instead, the industry should take measures to ensure all horses have a secure future once they depart for-profit tracks. Or they risk alienating a growing number of supporters who recognize that these horses aren’t just “horses.” These horses represent Eight Belles, Medina Spirit, Keepthename, Creative Plan and Laoban; along with thousands more racehorses whose lives were taken by an unscrupulous for-profit industry. It’s time to address this issue now.

By cbacfc
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