Sidney Prize The Sydney Film Festival’s prestigious $60,000 Sidney Prize went to Italian director Paola Cortellesi for her work in There’s Still Tomorrow, receiving it during an awards ceremony held Sunday evening.
This prize honors American philosopher Sidney Mintz; in his memory, the National Association of Scholars awards an annual Sidney Mintz Award to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions towards protecting academic freedom and maintaining academic integrity.
Winners and runners-up are announced annually in the Fall issue of Overland magazine, with first place receiving $5000 prize money, followed by two runners-up receiving $750 each. Additionally, the winning story will be published in Overland’s autumn 2024 edition while runners-up stories are published online.
This award, established as a memorial to Hertz Fellow Raymond Sidney and established by the Hertz Foundation in 2016, honors volunteers who contribute generously to building Hertz community while embodying Ray’s vision of volunteer leadership. This prize consists of both cash award and plaque; its establishment was done so to recognize Raymond’s memory who served on Hertz Committee for seven years while volunteering extensively during Dartmouth studies; He was known as an exceptional mentor, offering his home for fellowships to stay overnight with their families, opening his mind up to new ways of viewing things and forgeing connections within Hertz community members and building relationships within Hertz community as part of that time period. The Hertz Foundation established this prize as part of their tribute to Raymond.
Every year we present literary prizes that recognize excellence in writing on various topics. These awards span from essays, poems, and plays; we encourage all writers to apply. Prizes are funded by both University and private bequests; each prize requires approval by our Selection Committee before being awarded; submissions will need to be done under an assumed pseudonym and copyright will remain with the writer.
The Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize honors fiction written on the theme of travel. This year, judges reviewed over 500 submissions. Claire Aman’s “Who Rattles the Night?” won and will appear in Overland magazine’s Autumn 2024 issue; runners-up stories will also be published online and the deadline for submissions is September 1. In order to enter, subscription to Overland must have been purchased or renewed with new subscribers eligible for discounted rates; please read all guidelines before submitting an entry.