A domino is a flat thumb-sized rectangular block used for many games of skill and chance. It is marked on one side with spots, known as pips, similar to those on a die, and blank or identically patterned on its opposite face. Dominoes may be played either alone or as part of a set containing 28 tiles bearing from one to six pips each; when stacked end-on they form long lines; any time one of these lines tip over it causes other dominoes in that line to follow suit until eventually it builds elaborate chains or designs!
Dominoes have been used throughout history for various games around the globe and for centuries to play various dominoes games. Each domino originally represented one of 21 results of throwing two six-sided dice (2d6); later Chinese dominoes became longer and divided into two suits; their oldest known manual is known as the Xuan He Pai Pu (Manual of Xuanhe Period).
Dominoes have not only become toys but are increasingly used as part of complex and mind-boggling shows that have gained increasing popularity over time. These shows are built by domino builders who aim to produce stunning reactions and effects from a series of dominoes arranged in sequence and toppled by one touch or push from an audience member. Some impressive displays involve hundreds or even thousands of dominoes carefully laid out one by one until one hit causes them to topple over with just a flick from one fingertip!
To create these incredible demonstrations, domino builders use an iteration of the engineering-design process. Starting from their chosen theme for a display and brainstorming possible shapes that might be possible to build from dominoes. Finally they select those dominoes which can provide desired effects – be they glued together into single shapes or used to build structures far taller than themselves.
Another application of dominoes is to demonstrate what’s known as the “domino effect.” This theory proposes that when an event, such as military conflict or elections, occurs within one country, other events follow that also have an impactful chain reaction effect on other parts of that same nation. Example: if communist countries were to collapse, this theory suggests it could trigger a wave of unrest throughout the region and result in further changes. Due to this logic, some believe that spreading democracy is beneficial as it will eventually bring down other dictatorships. While this theory makes sense on its surface level, its implementation remains contentious due to factors beyond our control influencing it and sometimes having unpredictable results. Yet its concept continues to inspire many people around the globe.